
A Simple Look at a Not-So-Simple Life

RGBP Friday Five: Grateful Edition

Kathryn writes over at RevGalBlogPals:

The Friday Five is very, very late but God is GOOD – ALL THE TIME so you are invited to share with us five things that cause you to be grateful.


1) I am grateful for family members who are also friends. They say you can’t choose your family, but I say you’re blessed when you know that if you could choose them, these are these exact ones you would have chosen.

2) I am grateful for friends who are like family. You know the ones: they love you on your bad days as well as on your good days; they know from your expression alone what you really are thinking, as well as why you aren’t saying it aloud; time together is easy – whether deep in conversation or in companionable silence, in the midst of adventure or in the middle of a long, trying work week; and fun and adventure are a given, whether they are planned or not!

3) For the long, hot, lazy days of summer. (Well, maybe not so much the hot part.) A more relaxed alarm clock and calendar, more time with children and friends, more trips to the beach, more extravagant (for us, anyway) trips to the cool darkness of the theater. Yet amazingly enough, the day will come when the long, hot days will make me welcome the change of time and season and the lack of schedule will make me ready for more routine. No matter what time of year it is, though, you can never have too much time with family and friends or too many trips to the beach and/or theater!

4) Good novels. How is it that I forgot how wonderful it is to get lost in a novel? I get so busy with reading and writing for work, the kids, maintaining (mostly) the house and yard, and the minutiae of everyday life that I neglect story and imagination. I just finished reading The Unfinished Work of Elizabeth D. by Nichole Bernier. Exquisite. I feel a blog about it coming on very soon. I just started Porch Lights by Dorothea Benton Frank. It’s an interesting combination so far of bittersweet and giggle-worthy.

5) Writing and writers. I’ve found such joy and fulfillment in writing recently, even if currently my personal writing is “just” for my blog. I am making connections with other bloggers, many of them published authors, and am finding that what I feared was an elite, closed clique is actually a group made up of people who live and think an awful lot like me. Who would’ve thought?!

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3 thoughts on “RGBP Friday Five: Grateful Edition

  1. summer–of course! thanks for playing!

  2. Kathrynzj on said:

    Love this, thank you so much for playing!

  3. Love this piece. You write from your heart and soul and that allows others to connect to you. 🙂

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